An employer of record helps you to hire freelancers as employees in contract with the service provider. So, it will not be necessary for you to have a legal entity in Bali to hire freelancers.
The following EoR services provided by VIVO ASIA can be a way to mitigate mistakes when hiring freelancers in Bali.
Employment contracts and agreements
Contracts and agreements keep professionalism in check when working with freelancers. Based on your requirements and needs, VIVO ASIA can provide professionally structured drafts. And collect the freelancers’ documents for you.
HR support
VIVO ASIA ’s HR support can help build a good working relationship with freelancers. We can answer the freelancers’ and your inquiries and concerns. Thus, you can easily navigate through if there are any cultural differences.
One invoicing
VIVO ASIA can manage the payroll of all your freelancers and send it to you as one invoice. By having one invoice, you will not miss any payments to your freelancers.
In addition, the experts at VIVO ASIA can provide background checks of freelancers if needed. Contact us